2020 (Jewish year 5780) – New Decade, New Year and New Opportunities !

2019 once again proved that Israel continues to be blessed and that she continues to be a blessing to the nations of the earth!
Highlights for Israel in 2019:
Pres. Trump recognised the Golon Heights as sovereign Israeli territory and so called “West Bank”, actually Judea-Samaria as legal Israeli territory and not “occupied” as the media likes to refer to it.
The opening of one of the most sensational archaeological discoveries to be made in Jerusalem since Israel’s establishment. The Pilgrim Road, which was remarkably preserved under the ashes of the Roman destruction, where many thousands of Jews walked the 700 metres to the Temple area, after their ritual bath in the Shiloah Pool.

A 2,600-year-old bulla (seal) from the Kingdom of Judah bearing the inscription “[belonging] to Nathan-Melech, Servant of the King,” was unearthed in Jerusalem’s City of David early 2019. It topped the list of the top ten discoveries in biblical archaeology in 2019, compiled by the Bible Archaeology Report.Both the title ‘Servant of the King’ and the name ‘Nathan-Melech’ appear in the Hebrew Bible, the latter in II Kings 23:11, where he is described as an official in King Josiah’s court.
International companies continue to recognise Israeli as a technology hub and 362 multi national companies are operating in Israel as of 2019. They paid nearly $1.9 billion in direct taxes to Israel in 2019 – 18% of the total tax income of the country. The wealth of the nations are truly coming to Israel! (Isaiah 60:5)
Israel continues to be a world leader in “start up” companies. Many are in the area of medical break throughs and other services areas. A record number of Israeli start ups (around 35) exhibited at the recent CES (Consumer Electronics show) in LA, a recognised global show case for innovation.
Even our President Cyril Ramaphosa, recognised Israel role among the nations by commenting in Nov 2019, “Israeli’s are leading by leaps and bounds. They have shown that they can lead. And we can learn a lot from what they do.”
More than 28 000 Jewish people made Aliyah during 2019, many from Russia and Europe…including over 300 from South Africa.
The ICEJ celebrated sponsoring their 150 000 th Jewish person to make Aliyah during 2019. https://int.icej.org/news/special-reports/milestone-aliyah
Israel is breaking tourism records – 4.5 million tourists visited Israel in 2019! (Up from 4.1 million in 2018) including record numbers from neighbouring Arab nations.
Around 25,000 Gazans entered Israel legally during 2019 to receive or to accompany someone receiving medical treatment in Israel.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order (11 Dec 2019) that would effectively allow the government to interpret Judism as both a race or nationality and a religion under federal law so that the Education Department can take direct action against anti-Semitism on college campuses.
Some good news for 2020 already:
Israel announced on 15 Jan. that it had started exporting natural gas to Egypt as part of an agreement reached between the two countries in December. It cements Israel as a regional energy power. Israeli natural gas will flow to Europe through Egypt’s liquified natural gas plants, the statement said.Earlier this month, Israel also signed a deal with Greece and Cyprus that would lay the groundwork for a future natural gas pipeline connecting the country’s offshore gas fields with European markets.
The wealth of the seas are coming to Israel as prophesied (Isaiah 60:5 Then you will see and be radiant, And your heart will thrill and rejoice; Because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you).
1 936 new housing units have been approved in January. The Jewish people continue to return and build up their ancient homeland, as the prophets said they would.
SPACE IL announced plans to go ahead with another attempt to land on the moon after they became the 1st privately owned company to enter the moons orbit in 2019 with their space craft, Beresheet (unfortunately crashed in the landing attempt).
Thank to the excellent rains this season, the Sea of Galilee has risen over a metre since 1 January and is only 1.75 meters short of capacity. With all the snow fall yesterday on Mount Hermon, the Golan Heights and Galilee Mountains, the already swollen streams are pouring more and more water into the lake, which will continue rising. “Be glad then, you children of Zion, And rejoice in the LORD your God; For He has given you the former rain faithfully, And He will cause the rain to come down for you” (Joel 2:23)
The largest diplomatic event in Israel’s history is presently happening, with delegations from 49 countries, including 41 heads of states, in Israel at the moment. The US vice president, Mr. Pence, Russia’s president, Mr. Putin, Prince Charles of Britain, French president Mr. Macron, and many other kings and heads of states have arrived in Israel this week to attend the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland.
As we remember this historic day in Jewish history on 27th January, may we also recognise the ongoing rise, year on year of violent anti-Semitic attacks, across the world, sadly, particulary in Europe, USA and UK.
May we not just recognise this growing evil but also act against the lies that perpetuate it….particularly in SA, where the UN Racism conference, Durban, Sep 2001 birthed much of the “Apartheid Israel” narrative that continues to fuel anti- Zionism and the BDS movement worldwide, which in turn leads to many of the violent attacks against Jews wherever they are in the world.
ICEJ South Africa is initiating an event in Durban during September 2020 to declare that we reject and stand against what took place in 2001 and to declare our support for the nation of Israel.
It is the Lord who will have the last say and whose Word we know to be true…this gives all who trust in Him, strength and hope, for Israel and our future!
Behold the days are coming, says the Lord, “that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house Judah: “ In those days and at that time I will cause to grow up to David a branch of righteousness; He shall execute judgement and righteousness in the earth.
In those days Judah will be saved,
And Jerusalem will dwell safely, and this is the name by which she shall be called: The Lord our righteousness’

For the safely of those attending the commemorative events in Jerusalem this week, after threats by the PA have been made.
Thank the Lord for the excellent rainfall this season and pray that it will manifest in spiritual blessings too.
For God’s hand over the unprecedented 3rd general election (within the last year), on 2 March, in an attempt to consolidate an effective government for Israel.
Ongoing protection over Israel as Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Gaza, various forces in Syria, as well as Turkey continue to issue threats against Israel.
That the South Africa government will understand the truth regarding Israel and also for favour for all those involved in advocating for Israel. That the possible downgrade of the SA Embassy in Israel would be totally off the table soon and that our Embassy would even move to Jerusalem! Our petition is still active. Please sign and share if not yet signed.
For campuses around our country which are being targeted by the BDS proponents. Also for the Israel Apartheid week coming up in March again. (Please communicate with our office if you know of family or friends (especially students on any campuses who would like to be involved in some way, to counter the lies and accusations against Israel).
The expansion of the work of the ICEJ, particulary in South Africa and in our neighbouring countries such as Namibia and eSwatini.
ICEJ SA news update:
ICEJ continues to grow in SA and to be a channel of blessing to Israel. During 2019, we were able to contribute financially towards many programmes, including Aliyah and the Holocaust survivor homes. One of our generous donors in SA also enabled the ICEJ SA to bless a vulnerable community bordering Gaza with much needed bomb shelter.
We are excited to welcome two new board members to our board: Patrick Rolleston (Cape Town) and Past. Steven Naidoo (Natal). We thank Conrad Le Roux for his service to the board during some challenging times for the branch. He has decided to stand down and we wish him well going forward.
There are numerous meeting/events being planned for 2020 and we will inform you of them so that you can attend and invite others.
Feb 22nd and 23rd – Van Der Bijl Park – Feb 22nd and 23rd. David Parson, (Vice President & Senior International Spokesman, ICEJ) and myself sharing
Feb 25th and 26th – Manzini ,eSwatini – 2 day pastor retreat.
Much blessings,
Vivienne Myburgh
National Director of the South African Branch
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
P.O. Box 1192 | Jerusalem, Israel 9101002
T: +27 21 879 1788 | C: +27 83 306 0009 | www.icej.org.za

Some practical issues:
- Note our office telephone number 021 879 1788
- The cost of sending the Word from Jerusalem magazine is offset against our voluntary annual membership fee – please support us with this. Alternatively, you can also opt to continue receiving the magazine in a digital format via email – please let Judy know if you would prefer this (office@icej.org.za).
- We are keen for more people to join the team in this important mandate and if you would like to pay a role representing ICEJ in your area/community/church then please contact us to discuss how you could get involved.
- Please contact Co at the office phone or email if you haven’t received a receipt in acknowledgement of your donation – we would like to make sure that we do confirm your donations and that our database is up to date with your address and contact details.
Let’s get practical – we can each do our part for Israel – below are 3 easy ways – implement them yourself and then share with your small group and friends – let’s grow the community of Christians who support Israel. It starts with YOU.

You can pray for Israel. Churches, groups and individuals around the world are joining monthly to pray for Israel according to the command of Isaiah 62:
I have set watchmen on your walls O Jerusalem;
They shall never hold their peace day or night.
You who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent,
And give Him no rest till He establishes
And He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7).
We invite you to join this global movement of prayer. If you would like, you can sign up and use our monthly prayer points whenever you pray corporately or individually.

You can bless Israel by donating to ICEJ in Jerusalem. This will ensure that your donations are used to further the causes of ICEJ, please use the following account:
Remember, the bank details have changed:
Account Name: Friends of the Embassy
Bank: FNB, Stellenbosch
Branch #: 200610
Account #: 62730234672
Annual Membership Fee
If you would like to support the work of the ICEJ through the optional annual membership fee of R230 (revised), then select the easy and safe online PayFast payment gateway. This will ensure that you receive the Word from Jerusalem magazine.
(or do an EFT to the FNB Account)

You can invite us to speak to your church / small group about Israel.
You can also advocate for Israel, by liking our Facebook page and engaging with the articles, liking, leaving a comment or sharing the article – this ensures that the Facebook algorithm shows our posts more often and to a wider audience.
We will keep you posted with photos and videos of the work of the ICEJ in South Africa and Israel.
Build the community of ICEJ in South Africa – Like the Facebook Page and Share with your friends. Use the articles to guide your prayers for Israel.