ICEJ Global Prayer Gathering Daily Online:
Every Day at 3:30 pm
South African time
Every day since October 7th, 2023, the ICEJ Global Prayer Gathering is being streamed from Jerusalem, where we host prayer leaders locally and international leaders from around the world. We pray together with the intercessors from around the world for the ongoing crisis and for the Nation of Israel. ICEJ Global Prayer Gathering has seen over a thousand intercessors join daily from over 130 nations in the world, including Antarctica! Adonai’s children are rising up everywhere to pray into the destiny of the Jewish Nation and their homeland. Am Israel Chai!

The permanent Zoom link to join the meeting – click here:

ROSH CHODESH is an ICEJ prayer initiative from over 80 nations across the world. Watchmen on the Wall gather for an hour on Zoom, in relay. India precedes us on the hour before and Denmark follows on after South Africa. The Rosh Chodesh has evolved into a 24/7 365 days of intensive intercession on key burning topics. Come and join us as we change current affairs globally through the power of prayer and prophetic intercession, beginning with Israel and ending with petitions for our own nation….for a TIME SUCH AS THIS!!!
Every Thursday, 5 pm
South African time
click below to join:
The permanent Zoom link to join the meeting – click here:
Standing together to bless the nation of Israel.
Why pray for Israel?
God asks of us to partner with Him.
ISAIAH 62 is a unique passage in the scriptures because it calls upon the people of God to give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem as “a praise in the earth” (Isaiah 62:6-7).
Like Watchman on the walls of Jerusalem the people of God are to stand watch on behalf of Israel. This essentially means embracing regular prayer and intercession for Israel, for blessing, for protection against those that seek to harm her and for her redemption.
This call to prayer also means praying for the Arab nations in the region that they too would be blessed and delivered from the chaos that presently besets the region.
What is ISAIAH 62?
ISAIAH 62 is global prayer movement.
It was founded in 2012 by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem with the purpose to encourage prayer for Israel.
Meanwhile 131 countries pray the ISAIAH 62 Prayer on the first Wednesday of each month.
How ISAIAH 62 prayer works?
Pray with your church, friends, family or by yourself.
Simply subscribe to our month ISAIAH 62 Prayer requests via email. After you have signed up below, you can also go to our Resources section as well and download the Isaiah 62 prayer points on the first Tuesday of each month.

Monthly Prayer Letter for April 2025
“For the Lord will not forsake His people, for His great name’s sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make
you His people.” (1 Samuel 12:22)
Dear Prayer Partners,
The relative quiet that Israel experienced over recent weeks on the Gaza front has suddenly ended. Due to
the refusal of Hamas to release more Israeli hostages to extend the ceasefire, Israel decided to resume the
fighting in Gaza, both in the air and on the ground. The Houthis in Yemen also renewed their missile attacks
on Israel, and even rocket fire from Gaza has returned for the first time in six months. With 59 hostages still
in captivity, 24 of them presumed to be alive, many Israelis are upset with the government for seemingly
abandoning the hostages. Yet the truth is that Hamas simply does not want to release any more hostages,
as they are the only ‘insurance’ for their continued existence and rule in Gaza. Please continue to pray for
the release of the remaining Israelis held hostage in Gaza, and for total victory and peace for Israel. May
Israel know that God will never forsake them for His Holy name’s sake, as assured in 1 Samuel 12:22.
I believe as we pray this month, we should put emphasis on God acting for His Holy name’s sake. From the
powerful prophetic passage in Ezekiel 36:16-38, we read that God has not brought the Jewish people back
to their ancestral homeland to be destroyed, humiliated or cast down before the Gentile nations, but He
has brought them back because of His Holy name’s sake (v. 22), and that through Israel the surrounding
nations will know that God is Lord of all (v. 36).
We are now in the Hebrew month of Nisan, which also means we are close to Pesach and the story of the
Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and their journey to the Promised Land. Here, we see the same
principle, that God acts for His name’s sake. Even when Israel rebelled and God wanted to destroy them for
their unbelief (Numbers 14), Moses interceded with the Lord to have mercy on Israel for His name’s sake
among the nations (vs. 13-16). In Psalm 106:7-9, it says that even when Israel rebelled at the Red Sea, “He
saved them for His name’s sake, that He might make His mighty power known.”
This is an important principle to remember when we are praying for Israel. It is not just about Israel; in fact,
our emphasis should be much more on the glory and power of God, as He acts to preserve and defend His
holy name. Indeed, God has made so many promises to Israel that He cannot break, otherwise His name
will be profaned among the nations (Ezekiel 36:20-21).
Jesus himself also taught us to pray in this direction. “Father, hallowed be your name.” (Luke 11:2).
The best days are still ahead for Israel, according to Ezekiel 36. This nation will come to a full spiritual
restoration and even the Land will become like the Garden of Eden. The current war is mere birth pangs
that God will use to steer the Middle East and the world in the right direction for His name’s sake.
Thank you for praying with us!
Many Blessings,
David van der Walt
Vice President for Finance
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
April 2025
The next day of prayer and fasting in our Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Campaign is Wednesday, 2 April 2025.
Also, please join our daily Global Prayer Gathering at 4:30 PM (Israel time) to pray for the nation of Israel.
Go to: Finally, contact us with your prayer requests at:
Thank the Lord that most of the Israeli hostages have been freed from cruel captivity in Gaza. But 59
hostages remain, including 24 presumed alive and 35 bodies. And while Hamas is seriously weakened, it is
still refusing to release any more hostages and trying to reassert control over Gaza. This has prompted
Israel to resume the fighting in Gaza. Thus, we need to pray that Israel will quickly prevail in this latest
battle and drive Hamas from Gaza. We also must keep praying that every last Israeli hostage will be
returned, whether alive or deceased, so their families can reunite and find closure, and the whole nation
can begin to heal from the wounds of October 7. Pray that Israeli leaders will make the right decisions over
any further ceasefires, and who will rule Gaza going forward. Pray that any Palestinians in Gaza who want
to voluntarily leave for another country will be allowed to do so. Pray that the surrounding Arab leaders will
join Israel and the US in rejecting any future for Hamas in Gaza. Also pray for strong support for Israel from
the Trump administration. And pray that any Palestinian prisoners released so far will not be able to
endanger Israel. - THE NORTHERN FRONT
Thank the Lord that the ceasefire in northern Israel continues to hold. Still, the IDF keeps finding and
destroying more Hezbollah weapons, tunnels and outposts in southern Lebanon. The Lebanese army also
still needs to take full control over all of southern Lebanon and force the Hezbollah terror militia to
withdraw above the Litani river. Pray that Hezbollah will not only withdraw but that it will be disarmed. Pray
that the Christian and Sunni Arab leaders in Lebanon will be able to sideline Hezbollah in the country’s
decision-making process. Pray that the new Lebanese government also will pursue normalization of
relations with Israel. Pray that the US, France and Sunni Arab states will work together to disband Hezbollah
and free Lebanon from Iran’s destructive influence. Also pray the new regime in Syria will seek peace with
Please pray that Israel and the Trump administration will coalesce around a common agenda to strengthen
Israel’s position in the region and achieve more normalization agreements with other Arab and Islamic
countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. Pray that Israel and the US will be able to prevent Iran from
ever developing nuclear weapons to threaten Israel. Pray that Iran will not be able to harm Israel or Jews
abroad. Pray that the radical Islamic regime in Tehran will be driven from power by its own people. - THE HOME FRONT
Please pray that Israel will be able to secure a resounding victory over its enemies, recover and rebuild
quickly, and actively pursue peace with its other Arab neighbors’. Pray that Israel will finally resolve its
many internal differences over judicial reforms, the drafting of yeshiva students, and other long-standing
political divides in the nation. Pray that more Israelis will be drawn to faith in God and His Messiah amid the
current challenges. Pray for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in Israel.